schizophrenia treatment

Schizophrenia Treatment in Orange County, California


At SoCal Empowered, we specialize in diagnosing and treating mental health disorders such as schizophrenia. Our residential treatment for schizophrenia allows you to focus on getting better without any external stressors. A friendly, structured environment and a team of licensed professionals is where the journey begins.

Our mental health clinic in Orange County is unique, in which we provide personalized medication treatment plans for each client’s needs. SoCal Empowered can give you the tools, skills, and medication you need to manage this challenging brain disorder. We are proud of our knowledgeable care team, who always delivers a warm welcome and open arms to new patients.

What is Schizophrenia?

This mental illness is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects a person’s thoughts, feelings, and behavior. Someone with Schizophrenia will hear voices or see things that aren’t really there.

Often, the person demonstrates disorganized speech by not making sense when they speak. This can make it hard and uncomfortable to carry a conversation with them. They may even seem like a normal person until they start talking.

Due to these thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, it can be extremely hard to hold a job, or let alone take care of themselves.

The cause of schizophrenia is still not known. Although genetic and environmental factors may play a role.

schizophrenia treatment

Early Signs of Schizophrenia

In most cases, schizophrenia develops gradually, displaying subtle warning signs along the way. However, this disorder can advance quickly and without any indicators. The signs usually unfold between the ages 16 and early 30s, and men typically get it earlier on than women. Very rarely does someone over the age of 45 develop this disorder. Family members may pick up on the early warning signs and notice that something is off without realizing it’s schizophrenia.

During the early stages, a person may appear to lack motivation, neglect their appearance, and show no emotion. They have abandoned any hobbies or activities they once enjoyed, and their school or work performance declines.

Some of the most common early warning signs include:

  • Depression, social withdrawal
  • Acting hostile or suspicious, extreme reaction to criticism
  • Deterioration of personal hygiene
  • Expressionless gaze
  • Inability to express emotion
  • Strange or irrational comments; odd use of words or phrases
  • Oversleeping, or insomnia
  • Forgetful, not able to concentrate

Schizophrenia should not be mistaken for dissociative identity disorder (multiple personality disorder/split personality). Despite their similarities on the surface level, they are not the same disorder. They may seem to have similar signs, but someone with dissociative identity disorder has two or more distinct personalities. It is important to seek schizophrenia treatment early, or another mental health treatment if these signs do occur.

Schizophrenia Symptoms

There are a few different types of schizophrenia symptoms, with some more recognizable than others.

Positive Symptoms

Positive symptoms or psychotic symptoms are behaviors that are usually not seen in healthy people. For some, these symptoms can come and go, but for others they can remain persistent. Schizophrenia positive symptoms can range from unnoticeable to severe, which include:

  • Hallucinations: When the individual sees, hears, smells, tastes, or feels things that aren’t really there. Voice hallucinations are common in schizophrenic patients.
  • Delusions: When the individual firmly believes things that are not true. For example, paranoia, having irrational fears like thinking someone is trying to hurt them.
  • Thought disorders: When the individual has an unusual way of thinking. Patients will have trouble gathering and organizing their thoughts. They can stop talking in the middle of a sentence or form nonsense words.
  • Movement disorders: When the individual shows abnormal body movements. The person repeats a particular motion repeatedly, this is referred to as stereotypies. Another extreme and a rare condition is when a person will stop moving or talking for a while, called catatonia.

Negative Symptoms

Negative symptoms make it difficult for a person to show emotions and perform everyday functions. The individual may seem depressed, socially withdrawn, and need help with daily functions. Schizophrenia negative symptoms may include:

  • Talking in a dull voice
  • Showing no facial expressions
  • Having trouble being happy
  • Difficulty planning and sticking to an activity

It is important to note that these symptoms can be more challenging to recognize as schizophrenia. They can be easily mistaken for depression or other mental health conditions.

Cognitive Symptoms

Cognitive symptoms affect a person’s thought process. These symptoms are not as easy to recognize, and can only be detected with specific tests. Cognition behavior symptoms can include:

  • Difficulty processing information
  • Having a hard time making decisions
  • Trouble paying attention

How Does SoCal Treat Schizophrenia?


Handling this serious mental disorder requires lifelong schizophrenia treatment. It is beneficial to seek help in it’s early stages, rather than later. According to the Mayo Clinic, getting treatment early on may help control symptoms before serious complications develop.

SoCal Empowered uses evidence-based treatment options to treat mental health disorders such as schizophrenia. Research shows that combining individual psychotherapy and medication is typically the most effective route.

Medcation-assisted treatment can significantly benefit patients, helping them normalize their thought process. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, antipsychotic medications can reduce the intensity and frequency of psychotic symptoms. Furthermore, trying different medications can help a patient know which one works best for them. 

In addition, other schizophrenia treatment options include cognitive behavioral therapy, support groups, education, rehabilitation, as well as skills training.

schizophrenia treatment

It is not unusual for a person with schizophrenia to have a co-occurring disorder. Having an accurate diagnosis is a crucial factor in the schizophrenia treatment process. Some common co-occurring disorders with this psychotic disorder include depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder.

When Schizophrenia is Left Untreated

When people with schizophrenia do not seek help, the outcome can result in serious complications.

schizophrenia treatment

This mental disorder can be associated with or cause problems that include:

  • Suicide, and thoughts or attempts of suicide
  • Anxiety disorder and OCD
  • Depression
  • Alcohol or substance abuse disorder
  • Homelessness and financial problems
  • Health and medical problems

Receive Schizophrenia Treatment Today


While warning signs can be the outcome of many problems apart from schizophrenia, they should still be taken with concern. When unordinary behaviors are affecting you and loved ones, it is time to seek treatment.

If you or someone close to you is battling schizophrenia or other mental health disorders, seek treatment as early as possible. At SoCal Empowered in Orange County, you can start personalizing your path to success and heal your mental health today.

schizophrenia treatment